The Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) is the technical-scientific body of the Italian Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea. It promotes and implements research and strategic approaches to address biodiversity and habitat conservation issues. In particular, it is involved in this particular project for its experience in assessing the impact of human activities on biodiversity, and in the management and recovery of terrestrial habitats.
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The National Environmental Protection Agency (ANPE) participates in the development of the general policy of the government of Tunisia in the fight against pollution and the protection of the environment, and in its implementation by specific and sectoral actions as well as global actions within the framework of the national development plan.
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The General Authority for Fish Resources Development (GAFRD) is the agency responsible for all planning and control activities related to fish production in Egypt. It was established since 1983 with the aim of contributing to development of the national economy through fish resources, establishing horizontal and vertical expansion projects within the framework of general state policy and state plan.
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The Italian Fish Farmers Association (API) aims to protect, develop and consolidate all fish farming activities both in inland waters and in marine and brackish waters. It promotes all the interventions in the economic, scientific, technical, insurance, professional, trade union and legal fields that are necessary to achieve this objective. It assists fish farmers to optimize their resources and any opportunities for public funding and, in the scientific field, collaborates with the various scientific institutions to enrich the knowledge to be made available to companies.
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Aquatrade was born in 1985 from a group of young women and men with a growing passion for aquaculture, an industry just at its beginning. For almost 40 years, it worked in the aquaculture sector with the utmost competence and reliability. Working with the leading companies in the industry, Aquatrade provide customers with the highest level of equipment and innovative technology and support them throughout the process: from pre-installation experienced advice to post-installation.
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Fattoria del Pesce company, made up of fish farmers who have decades of experience in the aquaculture sector, operates in the heart of the Ticino Valley Natural Park using production facilities built in the late 50s by some of the pioneers of Italian trout farming. The company mainly deals with the breeding and farming of Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout) and, occasionally, of other salmonids and cyprinids, such as brown trout (Salmo trutta), char (Salvelinus fontinalis and Salvelinus alpinus) and carp (Cyprinus carpio) in the variants “queen” and “mirror”.
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Valle Ca’ Zuliani Soc. Agricola Srl produces and sells quality fish products, raised in a healthy way for people, respectful for marine fauna and sustainable for the planet since its farms have low environmental impact. The Company carries out different types of activities managed autonomously but in synergy with each other: the artificial reproduction of juvenile species, intensive breeding in sea cages and traditional extensive valliculture. Its fish products, sea bream, sea bass and mugils, are marketed through large-scale distribution or sold to trading companies and general markets.
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Scubla is a company made up of a group of technicians that since 1978 has gathered multidisciplinary experiences from biology, engineering, electromechanics, wildlife management and animal production sciences. The company is specialized in the design and construction of turnkey plants, including staff training, for aquaculture, research, food processing of fish products, pumping stations and filtration and water purification treatments, all over the world.
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